How to get the most out of a Bizzi Beez Home cleaning service

Having a cleaner regularly take care of the housework is one of life’s biggest pleasures. So to get the most out of your cleaning service, here are a few quick tips.

Trust, Communication and Respect

A Bizzi Beez cleaner can work in your home from every week, fortnightly or even once a month. It’s very important for our clients to build strong working relationships with their cleaner. Our cleaners work to your specific instructions to ensure you’re delighted with your clean home. Please be sure to offer feedback where necessary. This could be as simple as having a dedicated spot where you leave specific instructions before each clean. This will ensure the cleaner knows exactly what you require and will also guarantee you’re greeted with a beautiful clean home every time. Oh, and be sure to give encouragement too for a job well done.

Tidy as you go

To maintain your Bizzi Beez clean do a little bit of tidying between each clean. This will make your home feel cleaner for longer and will mean your cleaner will be cleaning not tidying your home.


If you have upcoming holidays or you know you’ll be travelling for work, providing ample notice in advance to either your cleaner or to the Bizzi Beez customer service team means we have time to reschedule your cleans. You could also use this time to catch up on the more time consuming jobs like cleaning the oven, organising the linen cupboard, or fridge and sorting out the pantry.

A regular fortnightly clean can provide adequate time to cover the basics. This usually includes vacuuming, sweeping and mopping the floors, dusting throughout the house, wiping down kitchen benches, full clean of bathrooms and toilet areas. Keeping a scheduled clean while you’re away lets you stay on top of all the extra bigger cleaning jobs.

Book in your home clean today. Simply give us a buzz in the Bizzi Beez customer care centre on 1800 646 477 and we’ll get the experts in for you!

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